Originally posted August 7, 2020 / Revised September 16, 2023

Dear Serial Alienator,

In 2018, I made a discovery that would change everything.

Tucked away behind photo albums and mementos from our travels was your white box of secrets. Its contents were shrouded in mystery, leaving us to wonder what revelations lay within. As we delved into that dusty cardboard package, we unearthed more truths about you than Jack had known throughout his entire marriage to you.

Inside that box were your lies, mistruths, and deceit. We saw your lack of empathy, the tactics you employed, and your first success at mastering the art of manipulation. It contained nondisclosures, a history of selfishness, and a glimpse into your narcissism.

We learned the depths of your deceit and the extremes to which you would go to alienate those around you. It was astounding to think that this box had remained hidden for so long, holding answers right under our noses.

Finally, your secret was revealed.

This wasn’t the first time you had alienated a father or abused a son. It wasn’t the first time you had torn apart a loving relationship or turned a child into a weapon. You had played the same destructive games with Jon, your first son’s father, for years.

You made decisions about Patrick’s upbringing without Jon’s input, using fabricated illnesses and weather as excuses to keep him away from his son. You repeatedly violated the parenting plan, causing Jon immense suffering. You even called child support services in Texas every week, tormenting Jon over back child support, despite receiving over $500 a month – money you had hidden from Jack in a secret account.

You had Jon arrested for falling behind on child support payments and took Patrick to unnecessary doctor’s appointments to obtain false diagnoses.

In that box, we found desperate pleas from yet another alienated father, begging you to let him be a part of his son’s life. Your responses were cold and callous, consistently using Patrick as a pawn in your games.

The truth is evident – you derive pleasure from inflicting pain and watching your victims suffer. All under the guise of a “struggling single mother” who claimed to have escaped an “abusive relationship.”

Yet, you are the abuser.

You take pleasure in destroying loving relationships, manipulating minds, and exacting revenge. Your hand-written notes reveal that you would do “whatever necessary” to keep Patrick away from his father.

Perhaps it’s in your DNA, passed down from your own mother who did the same to your father. You destroyed Jon’s relationship with Patrick, and you shattered Jack’s relationships with Liam, Mary, and Kaitie.

In reality, you can’t help yourself, can you? You are not only a repeat offender but also an alienated daughter, trapped in a cycle of destroying the very bonds that should be cherished.

Let us hope that Mary, Liam, Kaitie, and Patrick can break free from this generational cycle of trauma, sparing other parents the anguish of having their children live just down the street, estranged and misled.

May no more children grow up believing that someone they once loved is now someone to be hated and feared – all because they were used as pawns in a twisted game of revenge, indoctrinated with lies by someone just like you.


The Voice Sharing Stories of Stolen Childhoods and Broken Bonds

4 thoughts on “Revealing Our Serial Alienator: A Lifetime of Manipulation and Broken Bonds Unveiled

  1. After 5 years of alienation, harassment and defamation we will receive a custody report today. It makes no sense that we would lose but she’s the mom so we are prepared to. We have three current legal actions going—-A civil defamation case, a criminal case against her for stealing our property while she tried to take one of the kids, and this custody action. I’ve been praying over the king Solomon scripture and in our case there will no longer be any splitting of the baby. We will walk away to protect the kids and ourselves. No one should have to deal with this chaos. Thank you for what you do and share. It helps me to know that we are not alone. God Bless You!

  2. My children and I are going through this. Shame on the people who ignore it as it destroys peoples lives.

  3. Our alienatior was a repeat offender as well. Her first daughter doesn’t even get to know her dad because according to her he abused her. Same story different victim. Our alienatior constantly took our son to the doctor and had him diagnosed with celiacs from him gagging and tummy issues caused from the conflict. When the blood test revealed he did not have celiac she called CPS because Dad would not feed him gluten free foods uneccesarily. So sick that parents will harm their own children to upset their ex. Thank you for exposing this!

  4. I am going through a severe case of parental alienation, one child isn’t even biological dads, but his mom and him stole all three of them. courts arent hearing me. they are believing all of this. im this huge monster. cfshas failed my kids. the police failed. i need a good lawyer, im near edmonton alberta. has to be probo or legal aid, they took everything from me. he is and all of them are rpeat offenders, heroine user in the home. my child was 1 year old and stuck by a truck in their care in their driveway, airlifted i wasnt notified for two days. drive by shooting my kid was in the home when in happened.

    please someone help me.

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