The Painful Unraveling: Witnessing the Effects of Parental Alienation on a Child

In our lives, there are moments etched into memory that remain vivid despite the passing of time. February 5, 2010, was one such day, a day when the sunny disposition of an 11-year-old girl began to dim under the influence of parental alienation. Join us as we delve into the painful journey of witnessing the effects of parental alienation on a child, a journey that began on that unforgettable February day in 2010.

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The “Dog Attack” and Parental Alienation: A Grueling Chapter in Our Struggle

Staying one step ahead of the alienator had always been our strategy. She loved to blindside us with a false allegation just before entering the courtroom. And just like clockwork, the next false allegation was presented.

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