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Parental Alienation: The Manipulative Tactics Revealed in a Photo

Manipulative Alienator Gaining Sympathy from Child: Disturbing Tactics Exposed

Revised September 17, 2023

This poignant photo of Liam and the alienator, captured on March 8, 2014, by a friend, offers a sobering glimpse into the insidious progression of parental alienation.  Liam appears to be helping the physically ailing alienator with simple tasks at the store.  It’s essential to emphasize that, to date, there has been no legitimate evidence to support any physical ailments afflicting the alienator.

Throughout our enduring 10-year ordeal, we bore witness to the alienator’s relentless tactics, which included exploiting sympathy to manipulate and guilt-trip the children into remaining under her control. The consequences were devastating, leading to the alienation of three innocent children from Jack.

Another disturbing tactic in this tragic tale in the alienator’s effort to gain sympathy is the recurring theme of Kaitie constantly escorting the alienator to multiple medical appointments. These visits were prompted by the alienator’s baseless complaints of “swollen legs” and supposed “heart issues.” Whenever Kaitie did mention the alienator, it was often in the context of her “failing health” and the anticipation of obtaining disability benefits.

Such actions, exemplified by the somber atmosphere in this photo, serve as glaring examples of how the alienator successfully brainwashed and alienated these three vulnerable children from their loving father. At the time this picture was taken, Liam was a mere 11 years old, caught in the web of manipulation.

This photo stands as a testament to the profound tactics alienator’s use to destroy innocent children and to obliterate loving relationships forever.

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